What is Orgonite? The Ultimate Energy Tool

What is Orgonite? The Ultimate Energy Tool

In recent years, orgonite has gained significant popularity in the spiritual and wellness community and around the world. But what exactly is orgonite and why is it growing quickly in popularity? In this guide, we will explore the true origins of orgonite, how it works, its benefits, and why you should incorporate it into any type of lifestyle you may live.


What is Orgonite?

Orgonite is a medium that can come in many shapes that is made from resin, metals, and quartz crystals by combining organic and inorganic materials within the resin that produce a constant pressure on the crystals and metals.. It's known for its ability to transform harmful eletromagnetic fields, also known as EMF and other types of negative energy into positive, harmonious energy for human, animals, and the environment. This positive energy is known as "orgone" energy, and has been called other names among cultures such as chi, prana, manna, and others.

Here is what Wikipedia says abiout orgonite... "Orgone is a pseudoscientific concept variously described as an esoteric energy or hypothetical universal life force."

This however, is only half true. Fake orgonite is in fact pseudoscience, but authentic orgonite and the utilization of orgone energy is a very real ancient science that has existed and will exist forever. Just as in the law of thermodynamics, energy can nor be created or destroyed, but inly transferred. Orgone energy is all around us constantly moving, evolving, coming and going. It is the fabric of the universe.


The Origins of Orgonite

The concept of the term "orgone energy" originated from the research of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, who technically rediscovered this form of ambient energy that can be found everywhere because it already existed, and has always existed.

He called this energy he studied "orgone" in the 1930s. Mr. Reich believed that orgone energy was the foundational and fundamental life force of all living things, and that its presence or absence could affect physical health and emotional well-being. A lack of "orgone" could be seen as depression or chronic illness, and a surplus of "orgone" or life fore energy could be seen as vitality and high functioning energy. This compares to Chinese culture, where orgone is referred to as chi. And in Chinese medicine, a deficiency of chi (orgone), the lack of life force energy, is the cause of many illnesses and diseases.

Contrary to popular belief, Wilhelm Reich never built modern day orgonite or pyramids, but rather similar tools that worked with the same goal and intention in mind such as the orgone accumulator device created by Reich.

In the 1990s through the 2000s, Karl Hans Welz, Don Croft, and others contributed to the development of what is commonly referred to today as orgonite.


How Does Orgonite Work?

The materials used in orgonite, whether a pyramid shape or any other shape each play a crucial role in its function.

  1. Resin: All natural bio-based resin acts as the medium that helps create orgone by suspending compressed materials in a specific pyramid shape. The resin shrinks during the curing process, creating a constant pressure on the quartz capstone and other materials.
  2. Attraction/Repulsion: The phenomena known as attraction and repulsion is when an attractive force, aka the resin, exerts a pulling pressure on the materials that make up the pyramid such as crystal and metal powders. The repulsive force is the metal, specifically iron powder, which acts as the repulsion. Two opposing forces similar to that of a magnet produce a torodial field of ambient energy.

When these components are combined with the forever squeezing resin, a matrix is created that continuously works to balance and harmonize the surrounding ambient energy and local environment down to the cellular level. It has been proven to positively affect all forms of biological life including that of insects, animals, plants, and humans. The metals attract local nearby deadly orgone energy and non-native EMF radiation, the natural resin traps it and suspends it within the specific pyramid shape, while the crystal sands, other materials, and lemurian quartz crystal capstone transform non-native EMF to natural native healthy EMF fields.


The Benefits of Real Orgonite

  1. EMF Protection: Orgonite built with true radiation absorbent materials and engineering is very efficient in absorbing EMF, and can be tested with EMF meters for accuracy,.
  2. Improved Sleep: Many people report that placing orgonite in the bedroom on their nightstand is a great way to enhance sleep quality, even promote lucid dreaming by harmonizing the environment, taking away any negative enrgies, resulting deeper relaxation and sleep.
  3. Improved Mood & Well-being: People often find that being around orgonite imporoves their mood, decreases irritability, reduces stress, and promotes a sense of calm and well-being during the day and while sleeping.
  4. Increased Plant Growth & Yield: Orgonite is a comprehensive electroculture tool that improves soil health, often increasing the size and yield of plants, often drastically.
  5. Structures Water: Real orgonite structures water, deepening hydration and changing h2o to h3o2, creating natural structured water!
  6. Increased ATP Production: Pyramids increase metabolic rate and help the body produce more ATP.
  7. Attracts Pollinators: Native pollinators, animals, and wildlife all sense orgone energy and are attracted to it. It helps restore the environment.
  8. Helps Restore Native Biodiversity: Pyramids encourage the germination of wild nearby seeds, causing plant growth and the process of nature taking over to happen much quicker. This helps especially in places that have been deforested. 
  9. Helps Develop Higher Consciousness: Four thousands of years, humans of all eras have been attracted to pyramids for spiritual purposes. People from all over the world go to Egypt just to meditate next to the pyramids, where they have extraordinary experiences. You can experience this same phenomena by meditating with authentic orgone pyramids in your home.
  10. Harmonizes Homes: True orgonite is said to harmonize all existing molecules near it, including your house itself!
  11. Help Improve Relationships: Many people report relationship and communication improvement and less arguing after having a pyramid in their home. Negative energy and EMF can create a much higher percentage of arguments and disharmony in homes.
  12. Helps Improve Cellular & Organ Communication: It is a lesser known fact that true orgonite pyramids open the chakras, and chakras represent each organ center. Each of the 7 main chakras correlate to different organs in the body and help balance them out energetically.
  13. May Help Thyroid Hormone Production: The increased metabolic energy from having a pyramid in your home can improve thyroid hormonal conversion and liver function.
  14. Strengthens The Earth's Magnetic Field: Orgonite can reduce natural radiation that comes from the earth such as geopathic stress, and fault lines, and also helps balance powerful solar flares and their effect on the body.
  15. Food Preservation, Increases Quality & Taste of Food: Food stored near pyramids lasts often exponentially longer before it goes rotten and improves it's taste.
  16. Improves Overall Quality of Life: It usually takes a few days for most people to adjust to a pyramid in their home as its energy settles into the nervous sytem. Through its many benefits, orgonite can absolutely help improve your quality of life!
  17. Speeds Manifestation & The Law of Attraction: This is due to creating a zero-point field, also known as quantum field or sometimes called scalar field. When within this energy field, thoughts become things quicker. Your sense of time may slow or diminish, almost operating more from an astral or heavenly place. It is common for people to experience what feels like "living in a higher dimension" but while still here on earth when living within the quantum field.


How to Use Orgonite Pyramids in Your Life

Incorporating pyramids into your life is easy! Here's a few ways to get started:

  1. Placing Near Personal Devices: Placing a pyramid near your wifi router, laptop, and other devices is a great way to get the most out of your pyramid. Simply place it directly near the device you are using, or in the closest place to all your devices.
  2. Homes & Offices: Place orgonite pyramids in various rooms to create a more balanced, positive energy environment. Bedrooms are the most common to place to put pyramids in homes, and desks and meeting rooms are the most common place to put pyramids in offices.
  3. Farms & Gardens: The best way to use pyramids in your garden is to combine them with existing electroculture systems and practices, or place directly on the soil in the are you want to improve. For farms, it is best to create a grid of pyramids to fully support everything growing.
  4. Sanctuaries & Retreat Centers: Pyramids are iconic for any type of healing or retreat center, anywhere that people find peace and refuge. large pyramids especially are an energetic statement that bring people together, and function greatly in retreat centers and sanctuaries, improving the overall experience and deepening levels of healing for people.



Real orgonite pyramids offer a vast blend of ancient sciences with modern innovation. Whether you’re looking to protect yourself from EMFs and 5G radiation, improve your sleep, boost your mood, or pet or support plant health, pyramids are a valuable tool for enhancing your life and taking it to the next level. As with any spiritual tool and new thing, it's important to approach orgonite and pyramids with no expectations, and open mind to see how it works for you personally.

Through understanding what orgonite is and sifting through all of the common online disinformation, understanding how it really works and how to use it, you can harness its potential benefits and bring more harmony and energetic support into your life. If you're interested in  learning more about orgone and the highest quality orgonite pyramids, then you've come to the right place! 


Explore The Portal of Authentic Orgonite Pyramids Today!

Ready to experience the benefits of orgonite for yourself? Visit our shop to see our large variety of pyramid models and custom pyramids to find the perfect ones tailored to your needs. Unlock the power of orgone energy and dive deeper into your consciousness today⚡



  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orgone
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1810373/

Author: Sher Angad, Founder of Orgonomy & Orgone Academy

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